All exhibitions (permanents and a temporary one dedicated to the 50th anniversary to the first human step on the moon) and gardens are open: organizers from the Cité de l’Espace will be in the exhibitions to give you explanations.
7pm: Entrance in the Cité de l’Espace (security control can take time).
Dressing room will be available in ASTRALIA.
Visit of exhibitions is open and free all the evening.
7:30pm: apéritif musical will start at the Terrasse Guyanaise (in front of Ariane 5 rocket and MIR orbital station) and will be given by the band Moultaqa Salam ("Meet and peace").
Since the creation of the band in 2004, its musical director Ali Alaoui began a work of creation and fusion around the South-West European region and Moroccan traditionnal repertory. Arrangements and compositions are based on the cultural and artistic mix of musicians (arabic music, jazz, flamenco).
8pm: Imax movie (in ASTRALIA building): for security reason, only 294 seats are available (first arrived, first served), duration 30mn.
8:30pm: Cocktail dînatoire will be served in front the ASTRALIA building. In case of rain (climate change obliges), it will be served inside the ASTRALIA building.
12:00pm (midnight): the Cité de l'Espace closes.